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toileting and nipping

21 10:40:47

Hello, I've got a polecat about 2 weeks ago, he is only 10 weeks and hes fab. Just a couple problems though, when I'm out of the house i tend to let him run around in my living room, with his cage door open. He poops' everywhere, i have left training pads out in the corners he uses but he poops on them and everywhere else. Should i keep him in the cage when I'm out or could you give me any training tips that may help? Also hes a very playful little thing but he tends 2 nip. I've used the saying NO method and clapping my hands but hes getting used to that. So any ideas about that. Thank you very much for your time. Hope you can help.

I would certainly leave him in the cage when you are not home to supervise his potty habits as most ferrets will not always use a litter box or training pads by choice if the rest of the room/house is available.  Regarding the nipping, he is much like a puppy and part of his behavior is exploring with his mouth.  He will grow out of the nipping if you remain patient and consistent.  Continue what you are doing, but add a little yelp so he understands that it hurts you.