Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > hairloss


21 10:50:52

We were just recently given a male ferret about 2 yrs old, his skin was bright pink when we got him and about 2 1/2 weeks later he is almost bald and not so pink around the spinal area   I'm worried. He also has two small sores on his back that seem to itch I'm not sure what to think but I do know that he was very skinny when we got him 2 1/2 wks ago and has put on some wait.  I don't believe he was cared 4 properly based on how the caged looked when we got him.  It was coverd in poop. He has been some what active and is very friendly and has not shown any signs of aggresion but concerened.!!!!!!

Hi Teasha,

Congratulations on your new addition to the family! The first thing that comes to mind when you say hair loss with a ferret is adrenal disease. Adrenal disease is usually a worry with a ferret that is about four years old and up, but I'm sure it can happen with a ferret that is younger. Also, it could be that your little boy might be older than the previous owner thought. You should have him checked out by a vet to make sure it isn't adrenal disease.

Adrenal disease is a type of cancer. Tumors will form on the ferret's adrenal tumor, causing hair loss in both genders. In females, the vulva swells enormously. In males, the prostate swells, making it difficult for them to urinate. Is your little guy having trouble urinating? Is he straining when he tries? That is another sign of possible adrenal disease.

Have you checked him for fleas or other parasites? That could be the reason for the sores. It could also be a rash. That should be something to be checked by a vet as well, especially if he is itching it constantly. That can cause spreading of the rash and scarring to the skin.

All in all, I really think a visit to the vet is warranted in this situation because adrenal disease can make a ferret extremely uncomfortable and is something to worry about.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews