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Vaccines, litter training and wire chewing

21 11:01:41


I ment the cumputer wires tv cables things like that, I'm not sure if my ferret would chew on them or not but I would rather put something on or around the wires before the ferret chews them,

Also whats the best thing for cleaning the carpet where my ferret "messed" on? I don't want to use pinsole or anything strong like that.


Okay, I would put a couple drops of Dial Dishsoap on my finger and rub it along the wires.  This will stay and if he chews on them, it will leave a bad taste in his mouth.  It is non toxic.  So it won't harm him.  Once he is trained, you can easily wipe it right off and it won't stain anything either.  :)  Just make sure you have water readily available for him.  

I use Resolve!  They have a spray and a foam you can use.