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Do Ferrets Regrow their fur

21 10:52:04

It's been quite hot this summer and someone suggested I give my ferret a bit of a hair cut. Unfortunately, I did this before reading up on it. So I'm wondering if she will ever grow her hair back; and if so how long it will take.

Hi Ray,

I understand why the heat worries you, but you don't need to cut your little girl's hair! (I don't mean that to sound like I'm being a smart aleck or that I'm making fun of you; I'm not.) The way to beat the heat for a ferret if you don't have air conditioning is to roll up frozen water bottles or ice packs in towels and put them in the ferret's bedding to cool off the ferret's area. Make sure there is an area the ferret can get away from the icy cold though, in case she gets too cold. Also, you can dampen a couple of towels, put one on top of the cage and one so it hangs off the side and then point a fan towards it. This will cool the air inside the cage. Be sure to have nice snuggly bedding in case the ferret gets too cool, though, so she can snuggle under the covers. Plenty of cool, fresh water is key to helping your ferret through the hot days.

Here is a link about heat stroke so you can learn a little bit more about it:

Basically, ferrets can't tolerate temperatures above 80 degrees very well, so that should be avoided at all costs. Heat stroke will be fatal for the ferret if not caught in time and it is best to just prevent it.

As for your actual question, your ferret's hair will grow back. As it is during the summer time, you might not see hair regrowth right away and it many not come for a few days, weeks, or even a month or two. According to the research I've done, when the ferret's hair starts to regrow, you might see the skin turn black or blue. That just means the pigment is working in the hair and you should see regrowth soon after that. Just don't panic if that happens.

I hope this information helped and if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews