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Ferret Play Time

21 10:50:53

Hey there, so I have two male ferrets and we just recently moved into a new home. To keep the carpet clean and tidy we made the ferrets their very own play pen, its quite large at 60" wide by 110" long. I have filled it with tubes and balls with bells, blankets, stuffed animals, and various other toys. After several weeks of tweaking the system so the ferrets can't escape I seem to have broken their will. One of the them now just sits at the perimeter of the area and stares off, the other one has not problem amusing him self and tries to play with his brother but most of the time to no success. I know he is not sick, and I do enter the area and sit in there and play with them. I just do not know what to do about the him, all he wants to do is escape. Is there anything you can think of to entertain him? Is it good exercise for his mind to try to escape all the time, it doesn't bother me I just worry he is bored.

Thanks for any ideas you can give me!


I can't tell you why he is bored, but maybe he is escaping for a reason or maybe he wants to interact with you.  Go inside and play with them.  If he is bored, even a fancy play area is still the "same" day in and day out, like a cage.  Rearrange it or move it.  Make it more interesting for them.