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deafness in ferrets

21 10:59:40

I purchased a new ferret baby today. He has a full white head and neck/ with a little tan about the ears. His body is light brown with an off white backgroung color. Is he the type of ferret to experience deafness? Also, how long before I can expect him to use the litter box?

Hi Diana,

Yes, ferrets with that coloration and ferrets that are all white with dark eyes are prone to deafness. Ferrets do great being deaf (even deaf and blind) so don't worry about it if he is deaf.

Litter training is an ongoing process that can be pretty tedious with limited results in alot of cases. Most pet stores, due to lack of knowledge, tell people that ferrets can be litter trained "just like cats" -- well, not exactly....

Cats are easily trained and use only one litter box because that is in their nature but ferrets are much different than cats in the fact that their nature is not to eliminate in one consistant spot. For "successful" litter training you first need to start out in a limited area with him and work your way out. Once he uses his litter box(es) fairly consistantly in one small area (his cage) then he can be out in bigger areas unsupervised with litter pans in a couple of corners of the room. This does not mean he cannot get out to play -- quite the contrary but he does need to be supervised so that when he starts to back up like he's going to eliminate you can pick him up and place him in the litter box.

Also, unlike a cat, you will need a couple (even several) litter boxes in each room he is allowed to play in. Ferrets are like small children, children will wait until they have to go to the bathroom urgently before they tell someone they need to go. Ferrets wait like that too! Like children they may not know they need to go until it is urgent and will go in the nearest place (usually a corner). Not all ferrets are alike so you will need to tweak things a little to fit your little ferret's personality!

A great place to start your learning about ferrets will be to purchase the book "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling (found at Petco, Petsmart and online). It is a VERY good resource that you can read initially and refer back to when needed.

Hope that helps! Have fun with your new baby!

Adrienne Mortimer