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New ferret and old ferret hate each other :(

21 10:42:21

I have had an old male ferret for nearly 6 years, and for Christmas i got a new little girl panda ferret. in my ideal world they would be best friends, but right away there was tension.  I got her her own cage, but when i let them out to play, the older ferret [Owen] keeps his distance only to attack her [Celine].  She is very playful, but is now recognizing Owen has a scary thing.  it is now January 7th, and I've had her since Christmas day, and they still have the same relationship, and i doubt that they will ever be best friends.  I read lots of forums to help, but they all mention how it shouldn't take this long. Owen is also less playful than he used to be (Christmas eve and before)  its like he's acting like an old man now. what should i do? any tips, or bonding ideas? I really would like to have them get along, as the reason for getting Celine is that i didn't have enough time to play with Owen whenever he wanted to, and now i have to play with two ferrets at different times. blah :( please help.

Owen is used to being alone and if he hasn't been around other ferrets for his 6 years with you, then it may be stressful for him and that stress is coming out in his behavior - both play and aggression.  I am not sure what you mean by attack her, but if you have read through other posts here about introducing ferrets it is best to put them in a neutral area (playroom) and away from their cage and let them explore.  Ferrets play hard and Celine may not be as affected by the "attack" as you are or think she is.  I don't know how long you let them get to know each other but if it is only for a short time and only a few days then it isn't enough.  They should be allowed to investigate each other for a long time (days)and not separated, unless there is a major fight. Be patient, it may take Owen a while to adjust.