Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > male ferret 4 months old biting and hissing

male ferret 4 months old biting and hissing

21 10:52:32

I just brought home a cute little 4 month old boy ferret
and lately he has been biting and hissing,but I also have a 1 and a half old and shes never been any problem she plays and nibbles but not to the extent to hurt you. What he does.. is lick you first then nibbles and bites hard then hisses at you. I don't understand what could it be ?...he did chewed up a pacifier.

Baby ferrets are notorious for biting, partially because they are teething, also because they just don't know any better. To discourage biting, scruff him and say NO really loud, give him time outs in his cage, or try putting Bitter Apply spray on your hands when you handle him. He should grow out of it soon with continued handling.