Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Kidneys


21 10:53:59

I've a ferret with 6 years and a half. He stops eating, except some vitamins and Ferretone. After many analysis in the vet, the diagnosis was a chronic kidney insufficiency. I was told that when I realize that his quality of life was getting worst, I should go there to put him "asleep". Now he is getting worst, he walks badly, doesn't eat anything and loses equilibrium. The decision is terrible for me. I've always hope till the end. Do you things there's anything I can do do see him eating again?

Dear Jose,

I honestly think that unless the vet has a miracle option that you should put him to sleep. This is not a life for him and you are just prolonging his pain.

He's six years old and has lived a long life, I believe it's time to say goodbye. I know it's a tough decision but, I'll be blunt, it comes down to what's best for your ferret, not you. You may be able to hope till the end, but while you are doing that he is suffering

The only thing you can do to make him eat is force feed him multiple times throughout the day.

I'm sorry you are in this position, it's a terrible one to be in. But as a pet owner it is your responsibility to do whats best. Good luck with your decision
