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five month old lily shaking

21 10:43:16


Lily muffin
hi cindy, I am the proud owner of a silver mitt fuzzball by the name of lily. My baby seem's to be healthy, she gets her vitamins only a couple of treats,the best food i can get my hands on (8 in 1), and lots of love. but every time i wake her up for some snuggles and playtime (i usually wait and let her sleep for a while before i give in and want some cuddles) she wakes up and starts to shake, I pet her and stroke her face, if she could hear me i would be saying her name and such, but i cant help but wonder why she shakes? i know her hiccuping on occasion is normal since she is young, but i have never heard of "the pro-wakeup shakes". I know i worry to much, but help me please =[


Hello!  I have a certain affinity for silver mitts myself.  They are beautiful!  If you look in my prfile, my little girl salem is one too =D

There is no need for concern for shaking upon waking.  This is perfectly normal, and in fact I do not know of a ferret that does not!  Unless it becomes VERY violent or seems to have difficulty, there is no need for medical attention.  It's just normal ferret behavior, and I'm not sure if anyone knows exactly why they do that!

Let me know if you have any other questions!  

-Cindy P.