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My ferret died

21 10:44:39

I adopted a ferret about seven years ago through my vet - the ferret had a slight heat stroke and had been brought into the vet. She was young then and I adopted her and had her for seven years myself. The vet said that she wasn't even a year old when she was brought in for the heat stroke. She has always been very playful but had started slowing down slightly. I always took her in for her check ups to the same vet and there was never a single issue. The vet said as they do get older that they do slow down somewhat and that it was nothing to be alarmed at. I let her out every day to play and never noticed anything wrong even after she slowed down slightly. Yesterday morning, I am getting ready for work and I hear Ginger (that was her name) and she starts this awful cry that I have never heard her emit before. I ran to her cage (which was a huge three level tiered ferret cage - she either slept in her hammock on the top tier, in her sleeping bag on the second tier or wrapped up in a towel on the bottom level) she is on her side/back and she is folding herself in half - back and forth quickly - her back legs going toward her front legs - both sides just jerking like crazy - I throw my clothes on and run back to the cage - the whole time she is making the crying noise and I get her towel and reach in to get her and she stops and she is gone that quickly. I don't understand what happened? She was so healthy - never showed signs of stress or anything and had a healthy diet and everything. I am confused to no end how this happened - I know ferrets don't have the life span of most dogs and cats, but she was only around eight years old. I took her into the vet and she was upset as well as she had nursed her after her heatstroke and she was puzzled and couldn't give me a straight answer. She said that she did not demonstrate signs of cancer or some blood sugar disease that the vet mentioned - I always took her in regularly. She asked me if she had demonstrated issues going to the bathroom and I told her no. Has anyone else had this take place and lost your ferret so quickly and can't find a reason to what caused it? I know everything dies but it has just perplexed me in how it happened. I am beyond heartbroken.

Sorry for your loss =( it is always hard to lose a fuzzy...

Your ferret was very old for a ferret most don't make it to see 8 years old. It sounds like your ferret may have been having a seizure which often occurs before death.

Yes I have been in a situation of losing a loved pet and never knowing why it is a hard thing to go through.

You could have your vet perform a necropsy if the ferret is sill at the vet. If it was natural causes you can rest at ease that it was just her time to go. If it was something more you will have closure of knowing what it was.