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Seperating Ferrets

21 10:51:56

Hi. I am the owner of 5 ferrets. I can no longer keep my ferrets. I have two friends that have offered their homes for my ferrets. I know that ferrets become very attached and are very social. I don't want to seperate them but don't really have a choice. I am thinking it would be best to seperate them into a set of 2 and a set of 3. I have two girls and three boys. I am thinking of sending a girl to each home. Any helpful hints on seperating them? Can or should it be done? Easiest way to transition my babies into their new homes?

As long as you're sending a pair or more to one home, it should be fine. If you were breaking them up into single ferrets, they would probably become very depressed and not eat and die from heartbreak, but if they have at least one friend with them they shouldn't be as sad.