Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > ferret is having trouble pooping

ferret is having trouble pooping

21 10:55:57

My ferret can not go to the bathroom he is trying like crazy and nothing will come back.  He's been going at it for a hour.  What should I do?  Do I need to get him to the vet asap?

Hello and thanks for your question. Not being able to pass bowels is a very serious problem for a ferret, is he showing any other symptoms like a swollen, tender tummy? Pawing at his mouth or vomiting? If so, he may have a full or partial blockage, which is an emergency. You can try giving him some Ferret Laxatives found in the ferret isle at your pet store, they are commonly used to help them clear away furballs. But if he still hasn't pooped you should take him to the vet if he's showing other serious signs (like vomiting or blood in his poop if he does go).