Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > loosing weight/fleas

loosing weight/fleas

21 10:56:41

I have a female ferret about 3 years old. Over the last month she has been losing weight and the last week has gotten fleas really bad. Other then a bath is there flea stuff you can buy for them and can I use cat flea powder? and do you know why she would be losing weight so bad.....our other ferret is huge and shows no signs of anything?

Dear Tonya,

There are now flea products (shampoos and sprays) on
the market specifically designed for ferrets. If you
are unable to find a ferret-specific product, you can
use one that is safe for kittens. Products with
rotenone or pyrethrin are all right, but keep in mind
that ferrets may lick sprays or powders when they
groom themselves or each other so use caution with
these products. Do not use flea dips or flea collars
on your ferret, regardless of whether they are safe
for kittens. Do not use products that contain
organo-phosphates on your ferret.

Any ferret experiencing weight loss needs to be seen by a vet, immediately.  The fleas may have drained her of energy and caused anemia, OR she could have a much more serious problem.  Either way, please take the ferret to a vet as soon as you can.
