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Ferret sores and coughing

21 10:59:53

My ferret has reoccuring sores. There are pretty small and appear in places such as her neck, back, and over her eye. They are red and have a black scab looking dot on the top. At times, the reddness will disappear with the black dot still there. Later, the reddness will reappear.

Also, this might not have anything to do with the sores, but she has been wheezing often. Her breathing will be normal most of the time, but she will have outbreaks and start wheezing/coughing. We thought it could be a hairball, so we tried to give her FerretLax. She absolutely hates the stuff. But we did manage to get her to lick some. I have noticed that the wheezes are fewer and far between now. Do you think it is hairballs?

Ferrets rarely have hairballs even though they sell hairball remedies.  Do you have ants anywhere in your house or anything else that can get to your ferret.  Usually if the spots disappear I would think she is getting bites.  If they don't go away that's another issue.  What type of litter do you use for your ferret?