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food and cold weather

21 10:49:33

we got the ferret  months ago and it will only eat dry food,we also gave the ferret some cat dry food now i cant find the same food i gave her so i bought the brand the owner gave me.zupreem ferret diet.will a ferret stop eating for a while? and do they get cold.i have the ferret by a window is that ok well hope to hear from you gina

Sorry for my delayed reply Gina, I was out of state at an interview and forgot to set my status on vacation.  My apologies!    

Ferrets are VERY picky about new treats and foods.  They tend to imprint at a young age on a specific type and will often turn up their noses at anything else. The key is to keep trying to offer it.  Sometimes they take awhile to adjust to the new treat, but in time will end up loving it.  A high-quality dry ferret diet should provide all of the essential nutrients, treats are extra and should be given sparingly.

Please be careful with what treats and foods you offer.  Ferrets are obligate carnivores and CANNOT digest plant or carbohydrate material (only protein).  Also, sweet foods have been linked to insulinoma and other life threatening diseases.  Make sure you are feeding only VERY high quality food.  Zupreem is a mid-grade food, I would recommend a change in diet or mix the kibble with a brand of better quality.  This will help your ferret lead a long and healthy life.

Below is a link to a previous question I have answered regarding diet.  Please take a peek!  It contains information on how to change a diet as well as examples of good brands.

Try to keep your ferret away from any cold drafts.  Like humans, cats or dogs; ferrets can get very sick from too much exposure to the cold.  Yes they CAN tolerate cold climates, but only if they are conditioned over long periods of time VERY slowly.  My advice is to either move the ferret's cage elsewhere or place a thick blanket over the window to prevent any drafts.  

-Cindy P.