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Enlarged Prostate Post Adrenalectomy

21 10:58:10

My 6.5 year old neutered male had a double adrenalectomy three years ago.  There was a benign growth the size of a kidney bean on his right gland.  Our vet removed as much as she could.  Since December 2005 George has had several life threatening bouts with a blocked urethra.  It seems his is smaller than usual, and any type of blockage (usually sediment) shuts him down completely.  He has been catheritized and is on constant antibiotics (ciprofloaxin .02 ml twice a day.  It seems whenever we stop the antibiotics, he gets blockage a few days later.  He is also on the long-acting Leupron shot.  His tail is practically bald as he still suffers from some adrenal problems, but the last month he has lost most of the fur on his body.  (This also happened in December 2005, but it all grew back by the fall.)  What do you suggest to keep his infections under control and to promote hair growth?  Thank you.

Hi Dawn & George :-)

I'm so very sorry to hear of all George's physical problems!! He certainly has his share of them right now too.

Dawn, it sounds to me that you are doing absolutely everything I can think of to do for him.  Unless your vet is willing to go back in and try to debulk the adrenal glands again.  At that time, the vet would be able to get a good visual of what is actually going on inside there (he just *may* be full of tumors for all we know).  If he's had double adrenalectomy, is getting Leupron and some high-powered antibiotics, I just can't think of a single thing more to do, hon.  I'm so sorry to say that.  I wish I had a miracle for you and for George.  Some people supplement the Leupron shots with Melatonin implants, but I think the results from them are questionable at best, so I'm not sure I would really suggest it at this point.

I think if it were my ferret, honestly, I'd let the vet take him back to surgery (if the vet is willing) and see if the adrenal glands can be debulked further; get a good visual of what is going on inside there that is causing all these urethral blockage symptoms - possibly consider placing a tube thru the urethra to keep it open - OR, depending upon what the vet sees inside, possibly just let George go while he's on the table if it appears he doesn't have much of a chance.

I hate to even suggest that, but it's the best I can think of for HIM at this point. There comes a time when we have to let go and you may have to start thinking in that direction.

Another thing I would do is be SURE I have the VERY BEST VET with the most experience with ferrets possible. If you are confident in your vet, stick when him/her, but if you are not, write to me again and I can try to locate a ferret specialist in your area.  George's life is truly in this person's hands, so you will want the best.

Please keep me updated on your decision and, of course, if there is anything at all that I can do - I will be here for you.

My thoughts and prayers are with both you and George.  God Bless - and let me hear from you, okay?


Jacquie Rodgers