Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > my farret is hidding and I cant find her

my farret is hidding and I cant find her

21 10:54:51

Do you have any suggestions on where to look???? I have found her in a few places before that she usually frequents but now she is lost and I am worried. Of course her name is Sneak!

LOL .....


I know it is a horrible feeing to not know the were-a-bouts of a beloved pet, and I hope you find her as soon as possible.  Here are a few things to try:  

First of all, make sure you check the house and room thoroughly!  You would be surprised some of the bizarre locations she might decide to take a little nap.  One good way is to squeak a toy loudly or shake a treat container to wake her and hopefully entice her to come to you.

Also, check the basement if you have one, closets and any other such places.  One time one of my guys was curled up in the top shelf of the food pantry!  

Secondly, I can only hope she did not manage to sneak outdoors.  If you have not found her by now, put up fliers in neighbor's mailboxes, post a lost add in the paper, and call all of the local vet clinics/animal control to see if anyone has found a lost ferret.  It is imperative she is found quickly, since they are easy prey for predators and cannot catch food of their own.  They generally cannot last more than a week out doors.  

Place some snuggly blankets with her scent on them outside with bowls of food and water.  Hopefully, this will lure her back to your house.  I had the unfortunate experience of loosing one of mine outdoors, but she had the smarts to be waiting at the backdoor for me... I was VERY fortunate.

I really wish you the best of luck.  Having a missing ferret is the worst feeling imaginable, so my sincerest condolences.  I wish the best for you and Sneak, and hopefully she is just taking a snooze and will be found shortly.  Please let me know the outcome.  

Best of luck Janice!

-Cindy P
E.R. Vet Tech.