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flea drops for ferrets

21 10:40:55

I have 2 ferrets that have a few fleas...I've been giving them baths every couple of days.  I recently picked up some sentry purrscriptions plus flea drops for smaller cats, 5lbs and under.  The active ingredients are etofenprox 55% and pyripoxyfen 2.20%.  Would this be safe to use on my ferrets if I just used a couple of drops on them apiece and kept them separated for 24 hours?  Thanks for your answer.

Hello Sharon, thank you for asking!

Ferrets can certainly get fleas, and since they have a higher body temperature than cats and dogs, they are the preferred food source.  As far as how your little guys got the buggies, humans act as a wonderful method of transportation.  It is likely one of you unknowingly brought them inside, and your ferrets looked tasty!  You do want to seek treatment ASAP because ferrets are small can can become easily anemic from the loss of blood.  They can also contract nasty little parasites from fleas, such as tapeworms.  

I would NOT use those products on ferrets unless specified by your vet.  Pyrethrin or Selamectin should be the ONLY active ingredient.  DO NOT use any product that contains organophosphates, carbamates or petroleum distillates.  These can be VERY harmful to your ferret or fatal!  Topical flea prevention is absorbed through the skin and cannot be washed off.

Remember, NEVER use ANY flea treatment formulated for Cats or Dogs WITHOUT THE CONSULT OF YOUR VET!!  Also, Never EVER use flea collars, dips, sprays or powders!  These can be VERY dangerous or life threatening.  Be aware that topical (drop-form) long lasting medications cannot be washed off, and if your ferret has a reaction it can be SERIOUS.  I do not recommend any over the counter topical flea medication without consulting your veterinarian FIRST.  The best product is Revolution for KITTENS (UNDER 5 lbs).  ONLY obtain this from your vet and he will let you know you how much to use.  DO NOT buy this product over the counter or online.  There is debate that many of these medications are COUNTERFEIT and not the actual product.  It could be very dangerous if you put a topical flea medication on your pet and have it not be the same product it describes on the box.      

Apply flea treatment to ALL pets in your household at the same time (and make sure you keep them separate from the ferrets for at least 24 hours since other flea treatments are dangerous.  Remember that flea treatment is just as important in the environment as on the pet!  Wash all pet bedding in HOT water and vacuum or disinfect the floors.  Carpets are a breeding ground for fleas so try to vacuum well.  You may have to flea bomb your house.  If it comes down to this, make sure your pets are evacuated for the duration.  

I hope this helps and your home is soon bug-free!  If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask.  If you have any specific questions regarding certain flea treatments, it is ALWAYS the best idea to contact your veterinarian.  

-Cindy P.