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Ferret BITES Hand in Cage

21 10:57:27

I let my little girl that is what I call my female ferret. I let her out of the cage four to four hours a day. When I put her back in her cage she goes mad. She starts to scratch on the cage and bits the bars. What do I do? She is 7 months old.Ferret food from the pet store. Like cat poop. She is eating fine. She plays shes fun but when I put her up and I put my hand in the cage she bites me. And its not a play bite. I have only had her for one week. What am I doing wrong.

Hi Tammy:

It sounds like your little girl doesn't like her cage, or isn't finished playing when you put her back in the cage. Perhaps you need a larger cage?  Does she have nice soft blankies to snuggle down into to sleep?  You can also put a few small toys (that she can't chew up) inside the cage so she has something to do in there.  I have a musical hard plastic crib toy attached to the side of my kids cage and when they want to 'call' me, they get up on it (it is motion activated) and it plays music and lets me know they need me. You can get one of those at a thrift store and put batteries in it - the ferrets love the flashing lights and music - just be sure everything is hard plastic; no soft plastic or rubber parts she can chew on and get an intestinal blockage from.

Perhaps she is trying to tell you that it's her territory when you put your hand in the cage. Try putting some Ferretone on your hand next time and she will lick it off. That's a good way to get her used to having your hand in the cage and know that it is a 'friendly hand' and not something that will hurt her. Since she is in an area she can't get out of, and you haven't had her very long, she is probably afraid when you put your hand in her cage.  Some Ferretone on your hand will solve your problem :-)

I highly recommend "FERRETS FOR DUMMIES" by Kim Schilling, or you can read a LOT about ferrets here: and click on FAQs

Since you sound like a new ferret owner, I would highly recommend you read all about how to set up a ferret cage (the kind of litter to use, etc), ferretproofing your house so your little girl doesn't get ahold of something that will give her an intestinal blockage or make her sick, and also the things she needs to keep her healthy - her immunizatioins, FerretLax or cat laxative regularly, and lots and lots of other topics having to do with choosing foods, toys and playtimes. You will find all kindsn of interesting things there; also, in the medical files you can learn all about ferret illnesses and how to recognize when your little one is sick.

Also, your little girl may do better in her cage if she has a friend in there with  her. IF you do get her a friend, be sure to take her with you and let HER pick out the ferret; that way you can be sure they will get along.

I hope that helps - best of luck with your little one!


Jacquie Rodgers