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My baby Gizmo

21 10:50:29

Hi. My boyfriend and I recently bought a baby ferret from the pet shop, it is about three months old, neutered and descented. (which I found out later is really young for this) We play with him as much as we can, but we both work a lot. I usually play with him for an hour in the mornings, then my boyfriend will play with him when he gets home for about two or two and a half hours until he goes to his second job, and I play with him as soon as I get home from work for an hour or two.  Well, these last few nights, our baby wakes up at odd hours of the night squeaking loudly and rattling his cage. I'll let him out for a bit, and tell him it's bedtime and put him back, but within a minute or two he's back at it.  Is this normal? What should I do? My boyfriend thinks we should ignore it, because if we keep letting him out when he does this every night, while we sleep, Gizmo will think he can do it whenever he so wishes to come out and play. It makes me worry that he is doing this lately because he never used too, however we have only had him two and a half weeks.  Also, he was litter trained when we got him and had no problems until a few days ago, now he poops in the corner right beside his litter.  Is it because he is mad at us?? Should we get him a friend so that when we are at work he isn't lonely??? Otherwise, he is awesome, except for the occasional nip when we play, he is an energetic little one who loves to fall asleep after a good play in our arms.  Any suggestions to get our little fuzzy to sleep peacefully at night, and to stop pooping beside his litter box???

I agree with your boyfriend, he is training you to play on his schedule. Ferrets are not always known for great litter box habits, so try to make sure the litter is cleaned often and there are multiple boxes for him.  You can also put some newspaper in front of the litter box and encourage him to go in the box when you are home.  I always think a friend is a great idea - they are playful and social and having a playmate will help entertain him.