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Ferret Bedding

21 10:51:22

Hello! I just got my first Ferret (angel) about a week ago, and I was wondering, if I could use shredded paper, instead of the bedding you would normally get for guinea pigs, ferrets, or any other type of small pets. I decided I should ask someone before I took any chances! I appreciate you answering my question! thanks so much!

Hello Deanna!

Ferrets are great little critters, aren't they?  I'm sure you will have many fun and happy years with her =)

Ferrets do not need bedding in the same manner as guinea pigs or rabbits. In fact, most bedding sold in pet stores can be harmful!  Wood chips can contain toxic chemicals that can lead to health problems, and carefresh can be ingested and cause obstructions. I would be careful with shredded paper as well.  

As far as what you can use as bedding, ferrets enjoy anything snuggly.  Place blankets around the cage/room, as well as fleece lined hammocks and soft towels.  Ferrets LOVE to burrow and find a cuddly place to take a nap.  Just make sure your ferret isn't the type to chew the fabric.  I do know some little guys to get an obstruction this way.  Also, depending on the setup of your cage, you may want to place towels or linoleum on the wire mesh floors.  Ferrets have very sensitive paws and the mesh can be abrasive.  Also, linoleum is very easy to clean with a bit of very dilute bleach and water.  (Never use any chemicals EXCEPT pet=safe products or 1:32 dilute bleach/water!!)   

Remember, ferrets can be litter box trained!  They are clever little things and more like owning a cat than a gerbil.  You can purchase a shallow litter box with high sides and put it in one of the corners of the cage.  With a little patience and training she should use it without a problem.  In addition to not using wood chips or carefresh, do NOT use clay based cat litter.  The dust has been known to cause respiratory complications.  I recammend a product called yesterday's news which is available in most pet stores.  Here is a link with more info:

Here is a WONDERFUL website with oodles of information regarding everything from litter training to various health tips:

Good luck with your little girl, and let me know if you have any other questions =)

-Cindy P.