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Behavior Problems

21 10:51:58

I bought a ferret (whose name is King) in about March. The pet store that I
purchased him from doesn't seem like a good place for babies to start off.
They said they only ever handled them with large gloves. There were about
10-15 ferrets in one cage. The people who were caring for them in the store
were scared of them and wanted nothing to do with them. The only attention
that they got was from people poking their fingers in the cage and the pet
store staff shoving their food and water in as quickly as possible.  At first we
thought our new ferret was just shy.... but after several months he still seems
to have weird behavioral problems... which we believe may stem from their
poor treatment in this pet store. He wants nothing to do with humans. When
our other ferrets are playing with us he hides away not to be seen. When we
do handle him his eyes are very wide and have that "ready to run away ASAP"
kind of look. The only interaction that he seems to want to have with humans
are vigorously licking our arms or legs and then biting as hard as possible.
Also, a couple of months ago he was attacked by a cat. He needed several
stitches and rang up a $600 vet bill. He hasn't had a very good life so far and
I feel so bad that he seems so scared of people. Our 3 other ferrets are so
playful and crave human interaction. They sleep on us, play with us... and are
just the ideal ferret. I just don't know how to put King in the same position. I
realize that he might not ever be the perfect ferret, but is there anything I can
do to help him trust us? I thought time would show him that humans are
okay... but I see almost no improvement in his interactions. HELP


Some ferrets can take months to come around.  I would continue what you are doing, take it nice and slow and make any time with you as positive as possible.  See if he will take food/treats from you when he is not being held and work up to holding him for a moment them a treat etc.  Don't worry too much about him not wanting to spend time with you as I think it will come, but he is getting to socialize with the other ferrets which is what he needs.  This may seem obvious, but try not to let him bite.  If he is scared of you, don't hold him so long that he tries to bite.  Notice the moment he is getting fed up or scared, then put him down.  He needs to learn that biting doesn't get you what you want, but since he is scared of people, try to notice his behavior before he escalates to biting.  It sounds like he had a crappy beginning and time with you will be good for him.  Just remember that he is Ok with ferret friends for now and this will allow you to continue to move slowly.