Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > ferret kits are playing very roughly

ferret kits are playing very roughly

21 10:51:58


I got 2 baby ferrets(10 weeks old),they are lovely indeed,everything is great except when they are playing.l am worried about their life as they are playing roughly with each other and it is look like a fight rather than a play with hissing and sounds.Everytime when it is happening l make them separate and give them a calm down time.

Hello Annett!  

Just like puppies, ferrets tend to play roughly together.  Their skin is much thicker than a human's and what may look like fighting is usually nothing to worry about.  Since they are only kits (10 weeks old) I don't think they are being hostile or trying to hurt one another.  Also, some ferrets are more vocal than others and make various hissing/shrieking noises.  Although some of it could be real, as a ferret owner, you will soon learn what noises are "play" and which are not.  It will take time for you to recognize such things.  For example, I have a ferret that Dook-Dook's when she vomits/doesn't feel well, and that is usually a sign of joy.  Go figure!

You should be aware that some ferrets are just bullies. If this is the case, it is best to separate them and have them play only when you are present.  Just like people, some ferrets tend to pick on others and can be bullies to others.  My guess is that it is only play given they are so very young, but we cannot rule it out.  

If the play is getting too rough, time out is the best way to calm them down, so you have the right idea!

Good luck and don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions!

-Cindy P.