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My ferret wines alot

21 11:01:28

I Have just recently adopted a ferret that is about a month an a half old. Its been about a full week that we've had him. He is a sweetie. Very, very smart and people friendly. The only problem we have is that he wines alot. He makes a weird, baby like whine every time that me and my fiance have to leave. He even whines everytime he wakes up. Is the whineing normal? We literaly have to take him every where we go so that he won't whine. Is that normal? Is he attached to us already? I thought ferrets only whine when they are in pain. Please help? How do I stop it?

 Thank you Jessica for your question. Since your ferret is only six weeks old, it is still in it's "Infant" stages, and whining and whimpering is very normal, just as it would be in a six week old puppy. Buy your new little baby a stuffed toy (a "puppy safe" one) and hold the stuffed animal on your skin for about a half an hour, to get it "warm" and also to have your scent on it. Then put it in his hammock/ bed with him, and he may feel comforted.
Also make sure there is a ferret safe blanket available to him (a small fleece blanket). Kits feel safer when they are under something soft and dark, simulating being under mom's tummy. Also, make sure there is enough food and water available, and make sure he is eating and drinking. If the food is too hard, soften it with a little ( half teaspoon) of soft, canned cat food. Eventually you can wean him off of that. ( Tiny amount only).
At any rate, you baby will grow out of this at about 8-10 weeks old. It is a very normal behavior, and  don't over-spoil him by taking him everywhere at this age. He needs to learn that he can feel safe in his cage, in his bed, even when mom and dad aren't there, just like a human baby. Taking him out too much with every little whimper could encourage  behaviors like "Door clawing" and boredome/destructive behaviors later in life. Ferrets are very intelligent animals, with the same level of intellect as a cat. He will soon learn to go to sleep naturally, without whimpering.
Good luck, and be sure to write back when
he is about 7 months old and
is acting like little monster!
Just kidding! :)
