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Cat and Ferret interaction

21 10:37:46

Hi, what is the best way to get my cat and ferret to play together nicely. Penelope is a 2.5 year old panda-marked ferret and Cleo is a kitten we rescued from a litter of strays. She's probably 6-7 months old. We let them play a little to try to introduce them and Penelope looks like she's trying to groom Cleo's ears and she nibbles super lightly like she's itching Cleo (penelope also does this to us when she wants to be scratched.) but after a while Penelope starts biting and Cleo literally just starts sitting on Penelope. Is this okay? What can I do to help them love each other?

Hello Kellie.  Penelope and Cleo will establish their own boundaries.  Just watch carefully that no one gets hurt.  Cleo will more than likely be the one to become annoyed (ferrets can be relentless) and that's when things can get nasty.  Even though I have both ferrets and cats I NEVER leave them alone to play, Never.  Sorry but this match will always require a referee.  They may get along just fine, especially since Cleo is young, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Thank you so much for your question.  Obviously you are a wonderful pet owner and I hope I've been of some help.

Warm Regards,