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Angora Ferrets

21 10:46:41

I am just curious if you know of any breeders that have Angora ferrets in the northwest Ohio/southeast Michigan area. I currently have a panda ferret and an albino and i would love to add an Angora ferret to my family but can't seem to find one in my area. If you know of any breeders please let me know. Or if you know anything about Angora ferrets too regarding their behavior, personality, etc. Thanks so much!

Hi Jessica,

I've never been terribly interested in angora ferrets, to tell you the truth! This question got me interested in them, so thank you very much for writing in! According to what I've read, angora ferrets tend to be even more hyperactive and inquisitive than the ferrets that we know and love. Here is some more info (with some very cute pictures!):

As far as I know there aren't many angora ferret breeders in the United States. There is Carolina ferrets, but I think there is some controversy surrounding them as far as neutering/spaying practices. I'm not sure, though. I would really suggest maybe adopting a friend. Maybe if you go to local shelters, you might find an angora. I just read a story about someone who found an angora ferret in a shelter!

I'm sorry I couldn't help you further in finding a breeder. Like I said, I don't think there are many in the United States. I hope the info helps, though! If you need anything else, please let me know!

Emilee Andrews