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ferret with fleas

21 10:38:10

My ferret caught fleas, I've been bathing her with dawn and using a flea comb, to no avail! I bought some sentry prescriptions plus for cats 5 lbs and under, at pet sense. I already put it on her and then looked online and it said I shouldn't use it on a ferret. Its been about 4-5 hours since and she seems fine so far, but now I'm worried it could harm her. Also I used some sentry flea powder on my carpet's, do I need to vacuum before I allow her back on the carpet? Thank you.

Dear Sally:

Yes, please bathe her immediately with baby shampoo twice, rinse well, being careful not to get any flea treatment in her eyes.  Johnsons Baby shampoo is safe for ferrets because it is pH balanced and will not dry skin nor burn eyes.  DO NOT put her on the carpet as the powder may get in her eyes and cause a serious problem.

Yes, also vacuum the carpet well before letting her down to play. If you can leave the powder in the carpet for a day or two and let her play somewhere else, it would be a good way to get ypur flea problem under control, just be sure to vacuum well before putting her on it.

The recommended flea treatment for ferrets is only a drop of Frontline or Advantix. None other are safe that I am aware of, altho if one is made for kittens you might try 1/2 kitten dose, but I am just not sure it would be effective......Frontline and Advantix ARE safe and effective treatments for ferrets.

Hope this answers your question and you can get the preferred treatments as soon as possible.  Check with your vets office to get them.   

Please feel free to join in ferret discussions on my Facebook Group THUNDERING FERRET PAWS. Hope to see you there!


Jacquie Rodgers