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My New Pet

21 11:01:41

Hi Crystal,

I'm thinking of buying a ferret, but I've never had one before. Can you tell me what kind of diet, housing, and care the ferret requires?

Thankyou for your time


Hi Claire!  Ferrets need a high protein diet.  They will sleep most of the time but when they play, they are a lot like a kitten at play.  I wouldn't get a small cage.  The larger the better.  I like the 3 level cages best because the love to run on the steps.  They don't require a bath often at all as long as you keep their cage clean.  Not cleaning as needed will cause a horrible smell.  If you have small children, I really don't recommend them as pets.  Due to the fact that their backs are very easily broken and should the child handle it to roughly, it could kill it.  However, if the ferret will be supervised at all times with the child, it should be fine.  Fresh water and food daily is needed of course.  Do not give them anything that has a lot of sugar.  Cat toys are great for them.  They love things that make noises.  Of course this isn't everything you need to know but I hope it is a start.  Please feel free to email me again should you have more questions.