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ferrets and cats

21 10:54:34

My tearcher has a pet room at school and we have two ferrets.My teacher is retiring next year and I want to adopt one of the ferrets but we have a cat and my dad thinks if we get the ferret  my cat will eat it.What can I do about the cat and are ferrets good pets in a house like mine?

Well, first of all, the two ferrets should NOT be separated. Ferrets become extremely emotionally attached to their fuzzie friends, to separate them at this point would cause each of them to become very depressed and possibly die. It is not uncommon for a ferret to die from a broken heart because his friend died/left. So unless you can keep both of them don't adopt and let someone else take both of them home.

If you can keep both, ferrets and cats usually get along okay. Ferrets are big enough to not really be threatened by a cat, but they should always be closely supervised around felines. Dogs, on the other hand, are more dangerous around ferrets, and have been known to kill them since they are so small.

Your cat at first will probably freak out around the ferrets until she gets used to them. Ferrets are very curious and brave and will walk right up to the cat to check her out. Their behavior will confuse the cat, since they move like rodents but are large and unafraid. As long as you keep a close eye on them while they mingle it is ok. Although technically it is never 100% safe to leave a ferret alone with a cat, once they've gotten used to each for a good few months to a year and they get along, the chances of your cat trying to eat or seriously hurt your ferrets are slim. Although raising a kitten and a ferret up together is best in creating a lasting friendship, many ferrets and cats have become friends and play together in their adult years.