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the carpet in cages

21 10:49:47

if i do buy carpet for my ferret what do I do to make the carpet stay in place? also, do you know any good sites about linolem and how much it costs? Right now on my ferret's cage i have towels. and he keeps riping the off and being messy and it annoys me. one last thing: how do i stop my ferret to stop biting on the food bowl? oh and hes deaf. :(
thankyou for your time (:

Hi Tori,

For a ferret's bedding in their cage, I think blankets, old sweatshirts, receiving blankets, etc. are the better option as far as snuggly material. A drawback to carpet is that it would be easy for a ferret to catch a little nail in the carpet fibers, which would be something that you would have to be on the watch for. Plus, carpet isn't snuggly!

You could go to a store that sells flooring to get some quotes on linoleum remnants, I would imagine. That would be good to have around to put under the ferret cage, just in case your little guy makes a mess. It makes for an easy clean up.

What do you mean he is ripping off his towels? Is he eating the fabric? If he is, that could be another problem altogether. Check to make sure he isn't eating the fabric because that could form a fatal intestinal blockage.

Another thing to think about is that the ferret might be making a mess in his cage because he is bored! How much time do you let him out to play every day? Does he get at least three to four hours of play time a day? That is the least amount of time a ferret requires out of their cage every day! If he isn't getting that much time, he could just be ransacking his cage because he is bored and trying to entertain himself!

I hope this answers your question, and if it doesn't, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Emilee Andrews