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21 10:53:45

My new ferret is an albino male from petco/marshall farms. I noticed before i bought him that his fur was a bit thinner than most. The clerk said it was because he was young and also albino. what i am wondering is if that its normal and is it safe to take him outside. I currently live in idaho and although spring is neat it is still hoodie temp for us wondering should i buy him a sweater or can he go without? Thank you

Hi Tiphanny:

Maybe your little one has thin fur partially because he has been an indoor ferret with high temperatures indoors also. Their fur will tend to thin out or thicken up according to the temperature they are kept in to some degree also.

You can take him outside and watch his own 'thermostat' - he will shiver if he's cold and you can just stick him inside your sweatshirt next to your skin to keep him warm (his little body isn't big enough to maintain much heat with just an extra shirt unless it's just slightly cool for him. If he shivers, he needs the warmth of your body to warm him :-)

If you take him out occasionally, he will adapt to the outdoor temperatures and be a bit more tolerant of temperature changes in the future - but just for safety, you can always tell if he's too cold he will shiver.

AND SINCE WE'RE ON THE TOPIC OF TEMPERATURE AND FERRETS: When we worry even more about ferrets and temperature is in the summertime - ferrets do NOT tolerate heat well at all. Anything over about 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Centigrade) is too warm for ferrets. An overheated ferret will get very red feet, nose and mouth and will start to pant. IMMEDIATELY, when a ferret starts to pant, he/she MUST be taken into a cooler room and/or slowly cooled by using LUKEWARM WATER on their feet and legs, then whole body (very slowly so as not to startle them and possible send them into shock). A panting ferret is a dying ferret - that's a really really important thing that all ferret owners need to keep in mind when they think about ferrets and temperature.

Have fun & take your little one on outings while you can - enjoy the cold weather because the warmer temperatures are coming when we all tend to worry more......


Jacquie Rodgers