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Introducing bonded pairs/ not playing

21 10:44:11

My question is, I have two ferret Tink, a 4yr old female and Bill a 2 1/2 yr old male. They have been together for about a year and a half. I recently added two new additions to the family. A 3 1/2 yr old male Marv and 2 1/2 yr old male Hamilton. I have done all the steps of introducing new ferrets, switched blankets, and after they were deemed disease "free" I put the cages next to each other. Then introduced them, they seemed fine. They sniffed, wondered around and that was about it.  The only problem is that Marv and Hamilton don't know how to play or jump around when they interact with me or my older ferrets. It I am wondering how I can get them to interact playfully. All the time that I have had the two new ferrets they have not been playful at all, more laid back and not hyper like my other two. i have tried tubes crackling tunnels, balls, everything are they just aren't interested. I have no idea what their life was before. Are there really that much of a difference in attitudes and personalities in ferrets? or am I not getting something. Anything helps, thank you, Andrea

Hello Andrea,

You have to remember with newly adopted ferrets that they are getting used to you, their new surroundings, and their new family. You have to give them time to adjust as they did just come to you from an unknown background. Give it time and they should be just fine.

I hope this helps and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask!

Emilee Andrews