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Ferret Eye Bump

21 11:00:35

Our ferret has always had a kind of small bump on his upper eyelid-right side.  The past few days, the bump has gotten larger, and now has gone down some-although it is still bigger than is ever was.  Is this something that I can fix at home with my mom?  He is not in pain, and sleeps and eats and everything fine.  He still plays with me, and never acts like it bothers him.  Please let me know soon.
Thank you,


Good morning Randy,

Since I cannot see the bump in question I would strongly advise a trip to the veterinarian. I worked as a veterinary technician for 7 years and part of my job was to determine if, when someone needed an emergency appt., it was truly something that needs to be seen immediately and eye problems were something I was instructed to always take on emergency basis. Eye probelms always need to be seen as soon as possible. It may very well be a benign bump but better safe than sorry, esp. since it changed size even though it was only temporary.

Sorry I could not have been more help to you but some things only a veterinarian can do!

Good luck.

Adrienne Mortimer