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21 11:01:21

       Hi. My ferret seems to only exhibit this behavior when he is playful. It is hard to play with him, because he doesn't seem to like to play. He will a little bit, but seems bored of the toys or the games we play with him and so he likes to roll over on his back, and chew on the cords. He definately gets enough to eat, he is fed cafeteria style and his food dish is on the floor of his cage so it is always accessable.It just seems to be a boredom thing. I have tried playing games with him or playing with him with his toys but he just doesn't seem interested. He just prefers to go do his own thing. He is very friendly with us and wants to spend time with us, we can't even leave the apartment without him. But it just seems if we are home and he is playful he will do this cord chewing thing. Any advice on some toys or games that might interest him?
I look forward to your response and thank you for your time.


There are ways of making his cage very fun and interesting: PVC pipes or commercial ferret tubes,
Hanging parrot toys (usually made with wood, heavy ropes, bells, etc.) are an interesting addition to the cage.
Rattles, teething rings and other small hard plastic toys made for human babies.

Soft cloth bags for hiding and sleeping in -- you can even get some that have a layer of crinkly material inside that makes them extra interesting to ferrets.
Play tents or houses (several varieties of play tents and houses are available from The Ferret Store).
Outside the cage, ferrets aren't usually interested in the "Normal" toys.
The great thing about ferrets is they will make a toy out of anything. Empty two liter bottles, brown paper bags, children's plastic swimming pools filled with plastic balls. Make a "rice box" or a "Macaroni box" by filling a LARGE plastic storage box (a large storage box, deep, with a plastic lid; make sure it is deep so that the ferret can't easily jump out), with rice (LONG GRAIN not "minute rice" or instant rice) or with dry macaroni (my preference), or any other substance that's safe for ferrets. And let them jump around in it. Also tunnels are a huge hit, and you can go to your local hardware store and buy the largest size dryer vent, and use that as a tunnel.
I also hung a hammock sack from the ceiling not more than a foot off the ground and made it a "swing."
Of course the best thing to keep a ferret from getting bored is a BUDDY ferret! LOL! But if your ferret is older, he may not be to keen on that idea. :-)
I hope this gives you some ideas as to how to keep you fuzzy from getting bored!
Good Luck!