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avrage life span

21 11:01:10

Hi, I am thinking about getting a few ferrets but am wondering how long they live? also I hear they are prone to getting tummars, and adrenal desiese... is this true? about 80 % were said to get these as they get older... out of three/four ferrets how many would get problems?

Hello, I am glad to hear you are thinking about a ferret as a pet.
Generally they live from 7-9 years old. The are not "prone" to getting tumors, or adrenal disease, these are just two of the diseases that ferrets can get. I personally have had two ferrets that got cancer in their later years (over 7 years), two out of eight.
I would not base your decision on this, due to generally ferrets are healthy animals, and they generally are not prone to illnesses any more than, say a dog or cat.
Here is a very good web site for you:(copy & Paste)

Good luck, and thanks for your question