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chewing on cage

21 11:01:24

my little carpet shark is named cheyenne who is about 2 or 3 yrs old and we adopted her from a friend of mine. We have had her for about 6 months and we know that we are her 3rd owners which I feel is not fair to her but we are keeping her no matter what. My buddy and his wife only had her for about a month & let her run wild in a room that was all hers. However, we do not allow that. We take her out and play and chase her around the house 3 times a day. In the morning,before work, on our lunch breaks, and then for a long time when we come home after work.
The problem is that she is constantly chewing on the bars of her cage cause she wants out and it is really annoying. I wont let her out when she does that cause it will promote that behavior and she will think that she will be let out if she does this. Can you give us some advise on how to get her to stop doing this, if we can disapline her how because a stern NO and spraying her with a squirt bottle is not working. Any help and advise would be great.
Thank you

Hello Shawn!
Congrats on your new fuzzy!
I am going to refer you to a previous answer that I posted re: cage rattling/ bar chewing.
It is posted below. I hope this helps! Please keep me posted!

Cage rattling most of the time is due to boredom. Most often I see it with ferrets that were given a lot of attention when they were very young, and now, they have developed this attention seeking behavior that is usually controllable.
The best way you can deal with this behavior is first eliminate that it may be due to a physical need, i.e., check the water, and food, and make sure your fuzzy doesn't have any health issue i.e.: tooth abscess, or tummy ache.
When you have determined that he has none of these, make his cage a more interesting, fun place to be. hang tubes, hammocks, bags.
PVC pipes or commercial ferret tubes are usually a big hit.
Hanging parrot toys (usually made with wood, heavy ropes, bells, etc.) are an interesting addition to the cage.
Rattles, teething rings (not the ones filled with water)and other small hard plastic toys made for human babies.

Soft cloth bags for hiding and sleeping in -- you can even get some that have a layer of crinkly material inside that makes them extra interesting to ferrets.
Play tents or houses (several varieties of play tents and houses are available from The Ferret Store).
Dangling toys like those available for cats (use only under supervision to make sure the ferret doesn't get tangled).
Consider getting a bigger cage if the one he is in now is cramped. Ferrets should be housed in cages that are two stories. they need room in their cages to play, and nap and eat etc. A one story cage for a ferret is like locking you in your bedroom. Eventually you would get very bored. Also, put your fuzzy to bed, and leave the room. Cage rattling usually occurs when the ferret can still see you, or see whats going on outside the cage, and wants out. Put him to bed, and turn down the lights, to faciltate sleep, and leave the room.
Try all these ideas, I think it will help.Good Luck!