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ferret hissing?

21 10:44:06

QUESTION: i have an albino male hes about 8 months old and he only hisses i also have a cat and they play fairly rough and usually hes hissing hes always done this with every animal hes been around usual dominates the situation except with my cat iv only heard him cry once because he couldn't get out of a box he got into my question is is he happy or angry..iv never heard this "dooking" iv read so much about..

ANSWER: I have a ferret around the same age who since 8 weeks old has always hissed whether he was excited, angry, scared or just running around. Some ferrets just hiss he has never dooked either.

In some ferrets hissing is just how they show every emotion. I have learned if my ferret is scared hurt or mad he will hiss with hair all puffed out and back into a corner or under something.

It is normal in some ferrets.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: do ferrets also back-up into corners small spaces and holes when there playing and hissing?

him hopefully buying another ferret this weekend would it be an issue?

Not generally. Usually backing up while hissing means they are scared or mad. The only backing up I have seen while playing is when they kind of are bouncing backwards. All my boys hide when playing and will pop out every few minutes.

Have you checked your current ferret for deafness? This could be why he hisses. I have a standard sable male (not usually prone to deafness) who is deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other he hisses all the time even when eating.

I would take introductions to a new ferret very slowly.