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Ferret not eating, back legs not moving

21 10:41:00

The day before yesterday, my ferret was fine. Today she is not eating, and her back legs are not moving at all, though she has control of her front legs, and head. I haven't noticed any pee or poo coming from her either.
I don't have a vet to call. I need help, I don't want her to starve to death.
Please answer me back.

Hi Regann:

Unsure what may have happened to your ferret, but you MUST get her to a vet IMMEDIATELY - DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER MINUTE.  She WILL DIE if you do not take her to a vet....that I promise you. There is absolutely nothing I can do over the internet to help your ferret - TAKE HER TO A VET IMMEDIATELY..AN EMERGENCY VET - ANY EMERGENCY VET. Do not tell me you do not have a vet - GET ONE!! She MUST have fluids if she is not already dead by the time you get this, I beg you to please take her to a vet immediately.......

God bless the little innocents who cannot speak for themselves...God help this precious little one.


Jacquie Rodgers