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Worried about my new ferret...

21 10:58:26

I just got a new pet ferret. I introduced her to her new home with no problems until the 3rd day. She now constantly sneezes like crazy either while playing around or inside her cage. I do own 2 cats and that could be the reason why, but ive noticed she started right after I started putting "Carefresh Pet Bedding" in her cage. Not only did she started chewing on it but sneezing also. Im about to take her to the local Petco vet this weekend but i just thought any advice would be helpful. Keep up the good work. Thanks !

PS: Oh, and my cats are scared of her since the first thing she did was claim her territory and chase them around the house, hehehe !

Hi Reynaldo:

DEFINITELY remove the CareFresh bedding and replace it with some soft fabrics such as fleece blankets, a sweatshirt, etc. Ferrets like to snuggle down in blankies.

Also, what litter are you using?  You need to be using either Yesterday's News or a NON=CLUMPING CLAY litter....the clumping litter will also make them sneeze. It is too fine and will also stick to their little bottoms and can cause serious problems.

Be sure to watch when she starts chewing on things - make sure it's not something she can swallow unless it's food. Ferrets get intestinal blockages really easily and those are only cured by surgery, so it's well worthwhile to take the time to "ferretproof" wherever she will be playing and remove any items she would likely swallow or chew on.

You can get information on ferretproofing your home here:

Scroll down to Item 5:  "How  Do I Ferretproof my home?"

There is a ton of information in that ferret FAQ, so be sure to read around and get all the information you can. The best way to have a ferret is to be informed, otherwise people end up paying for surgeries because their ferret ate a pencil eraser, or even their litter sometimes!  One of my ferrets eats Yesterday's News (compressed newspaper litter), so I have to use regular NON-clumping clay litter. It always pays to watch them VERY close (very much like having a two year old in the house!) and to be sure their cage is safe (NO WIRE FLOORS and nothing she can get hurt on) - you can read a LOT about ferrets on the link above, just keep scrolling around to various topics and read all you can.

I always recommend to new ferret owners that they get a book called FERRETS FOR DUMMIES by Kim Schilling and read it cover to cover for your ferrets health and well-being. Ferrets are SO diferent than any other pet!!

You may be surprised, the ferret and cats may well get along very well in a short time - mine do :-)  She was just showing the cats now to mess with her ....tee hee.

Best of luck - read a LOT and if I can help again, please don't hesitate to write!

Jacquie Rodgers