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ferrets and neosporin

21 10:58:26

hi i hav two ferrets and one of them got cut by somthin im afraid it may be the kitten she likes to play ruff with the other cats and she trys to play with the ferrets but they hav there mind on other things and just walk away from her.but i noticed dry blood on my 2 year old and i cant see no cut really its pretty small even when i cleaned the blood off i hav him in the cage to be safe for now n the kitten is not allowed in the room there in when there out from now on.but i was wonderin if i could put neosporin on the cut so he dont get no infection or will he get sick if he ate it.

Hello, thank your for your question. I hate to be abrupt, but DO NOT put Neosporin or anything else on the cut. Ferrets and any other animal will naturally lick their wound and especially if it has some interesting smelly lotion on it they will lick it and ingest it. (All topical skin treatments specifically saw "Do not swallow") Don't worry about infections or anything, most mammals have special saliva that has their own antibacterials in it to prevent infection. Also if the cut is that small no need to worry. If the cut was bigger and continued to bleed you would need to take him to the vet, they have special ointments if needed and bandages and stuff to keep a ferret from bothering the wound site. But don't worry he should be fine. But do keep a close eye on them as they play with the cat who has sharp claws, the cat may accidentally harm the ferret without even knowing it. Hope I've helped, any other concerns please don't hesitate to ask me. Good luck!
