Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > crying?


21 10:46:46


my ferret
I have this ferret but she was getting on my way so I'll push her little bit and she would turn her back to me and walk backwards just an inch or two and make a crying or weeping sound. can you tell me wat is that called or tell me if its crying. Thank you :-)

Hello Melanie,

Ferrets make a wide variety of noises, and some are more vocal than others.  They don't really cry or whimper like some animals do.  Most sounds range from hisses of hate or displeasure to screeches of pain or "dook-dooks" of joy.  

It is hard to say what the sound is without seeing the behavior associated with the vocalization.  Since you are not hurting her when you push her aside, it is more likely a sound of displeasure more than anything else.  It is like pushing a person aside and they respond "Hey!  Why did you do that for?".

Perhaps create a video recording and put it on youtube? I might be able to give you a better idea if I see what is going on.  It is really tough to try and know for sure what is going on without looking at things like body posture, the sound itself and the situation.  

-Cindy P.