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my ferret is mean and bossy

21 10:40:20

QUESTION: my ferret nips everyones toes, i thought it wawsjust her youngnes but she is over a year she also is mean and doesnt play with me or anything, i dont like her much, she eats everything! she digs in her water she eats all rubber and toys appart (like most tho) and she was litter trained now she will poop in the middle of my floor or  by the litter box. it has been the same litter never changed. im ready to sell her but i dont want to. im not that kind of person she also beats up all my other ferrets i have 6 other ferrets besides her. i got her several months ago and she hasnt connected with me. shes mean and "stupid" im not imature. just she makes me mad and also i got 2 that i bought together 8 months ago and they only sleep i know ferrets are supose to sleep long but those 2 sleep 23 hours a day. they will only get up and poop and pee every 4 hours or less. i also found out that another that i sold when i was 10 that i got back after 2 years they returned her with adrenal disease and ive been treating it and she literally tries killing my ferrets she actually makes them poop, i seperated them and i feel bad keeping her locked up. i tried putting that bitter stuff on their back and she still attacked them. i dont want to sell her i love her, she has made some of them bleed, is there anything you suggest that might help?

ANSWER: It sounds like your attitude to the ferret is influencing her behavior.  She isn't mean or bossy or stupid, she may just have trust issues.  It also sounds like all of your ferrets could benefit from enrichment (check on-line for ferret enrichment ideas).  You didn't tell me anything about her past home, but she may not know how to play with other ferrets very well.  If you can't love her unconditionally, then you probably should find her another home.  The two that sleep all day also sound like they are lacking enrichment.  Your ferret with adrenal disease needs treatment.  I don't know how you are "treating" her but she needs surgery.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: infact i try playing with them lots im a kid and i am
responcible for them i take them to the vet lots and i
recued them all so there so called lac of stuff wasnt from
me. all of their old owners werent nice to them or abused
them or loved them and i had 3 of my ferrets left in their
cage their hole time with them 1 abused 1 loved to death but
couldnt keep 2 left in their cage while the owners were away
at a farm for a month.( the 2 that keep sleeping) if i wasnt
responcible i would have be nice  

I'm not being mean, just honest.  If you "hate" an animal, then it is best to find that animal a new home.  Also, playing with your ferrets is only one type of enrichment; there is a lot more you can do with them.  You also have to remember that ferrets are not human and it doesn't help them when we assign human characteristics to them.