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ferret litterbox training

21 10:40:19

Hi. Our family recently got our first ferret. Samantha is a 3 month old
female,spayed with glands removed. At the pet store, I was told that ferrets
are easy to litter box train. Supposedly they chose one corner of the cage to
use, and once they do that, then you put the box there, and they use the box.
This is not going well, as Samantha does not want to settle on one corner of
the box. I put her water in one corner, food in another, toys and bedding in
all but one corner, which was the one she had been using most commonly.
She kicks the water bowl out of the way and urinates and defecates right next
to it.  I used Carefresh recycled paper bedding, which she had in the store.
She sometimes does her business in a corner w/the bedding, but often does
it on one of the upper level corners of the cage. As she backs into the corner,
she also sprays her urine outside the wire cage all over the room. Is she just
too young to be trained still? Help! Also, unrelated question- can she use a
water bottle? The pet store said that ferrets break their teeth on the water
bottles and to use a bowl, but she is very messy with the bowl. Thanks for

I'll start with the bad news - ferrets are not usually easy to litter box train!  Often, you can choose one corner of the cage to place a litter box, but that doesn't always work.  If she used the litter box at the store then you have a better chance!  My rule of thumb is to place as many litter boxes in a cage as possible - anywhere she attempts to go.  You can try a variety of litter boxes, especially ones with a high back to stop the urine coming out of the cage.  You could also place a barrier (like plexi glass) behind the litter box.  Ferrets can drink out of a water bottle, but if you notice that she is chewing the metal spout, go back to a water dish.