Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > depths of despair

depths of despair

21 11:01:18

desiree, i'm in the depths of despair. i LOVE ferrets and would do anything to own one. i went to the pet store to buy two baby brothers and after playing with them for 20 minutes i discovered that i'm allergic to them. my nose started running and i began to sneeze.
the reason why i'm so upset is because i love furry creatures, especially ferrets , and i'm allergic to everything! it's really frustrating. someone once told me that people are rarely allergic to ferrets so naturally i got my hopes up. but alas, the miserable truth is that i'm allergic to them.
my question to you is: do you know what i can do to make an allergic reaction go away or decrease? is there a spray or powder or something ? anything?

in the depths of despair,

IM very sorry but i really have no clue, Its usually the dead skin on ferrets thats the allergent or their saliva. Im very sorry but I dont think there is a cure!!! To help cure allergys you can get allergy shots...thats an option.  Or if you really love them that much, you might just have to suffer and get a really really strong allergy medication. Thats all i can tell you, Im very sorry :-(
