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Ferrets dont get along

21 10:55:37

I've had my first ferret for about 3 1/2 yrs. She is neutered & decented. Recently I aquired another young female ferret (also neutered & descented). The two of them
don't get along. If I let them out together, within minutes
they tie up violently. I could understand if it were the older ferret being the agressor, figuring that she's jealous having had us to herself for her whole life, but it's the young ferret's that's the agressor. I really want
to keep the young one but it creats a problem when they can't come out of their cages for "playtime" at the same time. Any suggestions?

When you break up a ferret fight, it only makes it worse.  Ferrets are capable of playing very rough with each other and their skin is made for it.  Let them out together and don't stop the fighting unless you see blood.  Then separate them for the wound to heal and start over.  I have never had ferrets who weren't able to sort it out, even if it meant occasional fights and different schedules for a time.