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Ferrett Illness

21 11:00:08

We are giving him One Part Gaterade with two parts water to prvent dehydration and Gerber Chicken Baby food for now.  Will report later on his prognosis.

Followup To

Question -
Our ferrett has been acting strange.  He suddenly doesn't walk well, like he is crawling.  Today, we separated him from the other two ferretts and he did drink water, but it appeared that he threw it up.  We think he may be sick.  He is the youngest and smallest of three.  What could be wrong?  Also what is their normal body temp and heartrate?

Thanks for taking the time

Laurie in Texas

Answer -
thanks for your question. Any number of things could be wrong, I would simply be specultaing. It sounds a little bit like insulinoma, so I would take him to a vet ASAP.
Normal body temperature in the ferret is 100-104oF (37.8-40oC). Heart rate is 180-250 beats per minute

There is also something called "Duck Soup" for severe cases ,you can sustain him on this until you can see the vet:


1 can Sustacal (8 oz., or about 230 ml; it comes in a larger size too)
1 can water    (8 oz., or about 230 ml)
2 scoops puppy or kitten weaning formula -- OPTIONAL
4 oz. (110 g? or ml?) dry kitten or ferret food, soaked in enough water to
         cover and soften it completely

[Sustacal is meant for humans; look for it by baby formulas or in the
pharmacy section of your supermarket.   you can also
use Ensure, Discover 2.0, or Just Born (puppy/kitten milk from pet store).

Mix thoroughly.  We always warm it in the microwave  for them to the temperature of baby
formula ( NOT HOT!).  Then again, wean him back onto the dry food.
Also,This formula also freezes well -- the Sustacal must
be used within 48 hours if left only in the fridge.

Good Luck!  I hope he is Ok.