Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Picky Ferret

Picky Ferret

21 10:45:19

Hello, I have a 15 week old ferret who will not eat anything but his daily food because that is all he was ever fed at the pet store and has grown accustomed to it. He wont eat treats, ferretone, ferret lax, or ferret vite. I was just wondering if you can give me tips on how to coax him into eating them besides force feeding him because thats stressful for both of us?

15 weeks is pretty young to be so picky, but I wouldn't be force feeding him anything unless he is ill.  If he only likes kibble, then he only eats kibble.  I would continue to present other treat options and he may decide to try them, but let him decide.