Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > HOW TO HELP FERRETS GRIEVING DEATH OF THEIR CAGEMATE


21 10:58:34

Hi, Yesterday I had to put to rest one of my ferrets due to illness. :( I've had two ferrets since they were 2 months old. One male and one female. I've had them for the past 6 1/2 years. My question is if you know how a female reacts when the male has passed away?? I've read an article stating that females do much better when the male passes first. I've also heard that the males follow shortly when the female goes first - I'm hoping my little girl pulls thru and lives a nice rest of herlife. I'm not considering getting another ferret - Do you have any advice as well on what I can do to make her more comfortable after the loss of her best friend?

Thank you so much!

Hi Crystal:

I'm so very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved little guy. It is never easy to let go, but you did the unselfish act of helping him by putting him to rest so he didn't suffer.

Ferrets bond with each other very closely and it is VERY common when one dies that the other follows sometimes as soon as hours afterwards, sometimes weeks or more.  It IS very emotional for them and they DO miss each other.

One way you can help her cope with his death is to spend more time with her - one on one - than you did previously. She lost her best friend and she would love it if you (or someone) could be her best buddy right now.  You should NOT change anything in the cage, if possible.  Even if you intend to put her in a smaller, one ferret cage - don't do it for some time, as it will just make more changes for her to cope with.  

Watch her closely to be sure she continues to eat and drink and if she stops, be sure to get her to a vet - there is A/D you could feed her to help build her up if she isn't eating well, and the vet can give her subQ fluids (under the skin) to keep fluids in her body.

Another thing you may consider is taking the little girl with you to a shelter or a pet store and let HER choose another buddy.  When we choose for them, they won't always accept the new one, but it has been shown that if we allow the grieving ferret to see each ferret, one by one, they will gravitate to at least ONE ferret that they prefer and you will see her automatically take to that ferret.  That would help her a lot.  Ideally, if there is a shelter near you, you can better allow her to pick out a ferret - maybe even another one closer to her age, rather than a kit, which is usually what they have at pet stores.  Ferret Shelters have ferrets of all ages and many of them live their whole lives in the shelter, so they are very happy to be able to find loving homes for older it's a win-win situation for everyone, especially your ferret :-)

Best of luck - if there is anything else I can do, please don't hesitate to write again.


Jacquie Rodgers