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21 10:45:28

My 5 year old ferret is taking orbax 5.7mg, for a severe infection. He is over due for his lupron shot. My question is should he get the shot while on the medication? The infection is coming out of his penis. I'm so worried and have a feeling this is more serious than the vet is suggesting. I thought he was near death last week, but the vet said that wasn't the case. I just don't know what to think. Thank you

Hello Mary,

This is a question to ask your veterinarian.  Lupron is generally a well tolerated drug, but the infection might be a problem if his immune system is compromised.  I would make an appointment and speak with your vet right away.  He or she would need to evaluate your ferret and determine wither it is wise to continue the Lupron with an active urinary infection.  

I wish I could be of more assistance, but drug interactions that coincide with infections are something that need to be handled carefully.  Also, there is always the opportunity to bring your ferret to a different doctor for a second opinion if you believe your vet is not knowledgeable enough with ferrets.  

-Cindy P.